There are emblems on Monday, 02,17,2025 - 5901
List for: Heraldry of Ukraine
All emblems order by name

It's better to use one word or its part.

The modern emblem (100008) 
(Ukrainian State Symbols)
The flag (74241) 
(Ukrainian State Symbols)
The President's gonfalon (73052) 
(Ukrainian State Symbols)
The modern emblem (58512) 
The modern emblem (56149) 


Int the March, 21st, 2002, Khmel'nyts'kyi regional council have approved region's symbol: "The shield per pale by azure and crimson. There are or sun and "X" as the 1st letter of Khmelnyts'ka oblast' name" (on Ukrainan). The author is M.Mastykash. It was approved instead project tnat used historical Podillya and Volyn' symbols (now this lands form modern territory of the oblast') and elected by heraldry comission in 1997.
There are following violations:
1. Podillya historical sun placed in the center of the field, never on the border. It means old Podillye emblem was destroyed.
2. Volyn' cross was destroyed because (as author told) it means religion. Than, old Volyn' colour is gules; crimson colour taht used in emblem, is non-heraldic.
3. Putted non-correct description of the azure colour (peace and tranquillity).
4. Letter "X" is violation of heraldry rules tnat don't permit letters in the shield. Than, in the Ukraine 2 other regions have name with letter "X" as first.
5. It's violation of the President's Decree from May, 18th, 2000 about expert estimate of the project before voting. This decision of a commission of experts doesn't exist.
Because specialist propositions were not considered, we are in hope that new region council will correct all this mistakes. We propose you to take part in voting about this problem.

Do you repose Khmelnyts'ka oblast' emblem the worst in the Ukraine from region's emblems?

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