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The president power symbols
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The modern emblem (99877) 
(Ukrainian State Symbols)
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(Ukrainian State Symbols)
The President's gonfalon (72916) 
(Ukrainian State Symbols)
The modern emblem (58388) 
The modern emblem (56039) 


The president power symbols

The state leader symbols were created in all after two week

 Curiosly, that to presrent Leonid Kuchma inauguration the symbols of presidential power in Ukraine was not, and her solved will create. On important business this is history let to symbolism creators go only two week - with second selections rook to day President inauguration. To november, 14th, neither can not say safely, in what key it has to do a state leader symbols: the communist victory mean "shook off a dust" with unforgotten still scarlet colours, sickle and hammer, five-rows star and poster trio of Marks-Engels-Lenin. Therefore started to symbols elaboration of presidential power only after November, 15th.
 Traditionally by symbols of higher power served the unique historic relics, which were inherited on legacy - crowns, sceptres, states, ritual arm and special clothes. Naturally, for contemporary democratic powers the crowns and sceptres not very do, but in any country respecting oneself exist a symbols of state power. In Ukraine with 1994 exists only state leader gonfalon. Its staff was very beautiful, but width was baldly, not on grade modest. Therefore was solved to change only it.
 New bilateral silk linen embroidered not by hand, and on german equipment on ultramodern computer technology, allowing to achieve unique effects. For example, on one side of gonfalon drifted more than million stitches by thread of two hues - gules and yellow gold. And an embroidered trident, thanks to use of special lining, turned out by volume. Apropos, on technology such done the Great Britain queen flags, USA and France president flags. Elaborator and general contractor of order implementation on presidential symbols was a firm "Heraldic chamber". Her director and art leader Oleksiy Rudenko (author of a few state Ukraine rewards ) relates:
 - We very experienced, whether will fit up a gonfalon to former staff, being in President Administration. The dimensions drove in simply by the phone. We took breath easily only per day to inauguration, when on Palace stage "Ukraine" bowed try-on out of stocking. Fit up ideal. Then substituted and table with date of first oath on silvered, with engraved dates two inauguration and name of President. The President`s gonfalone In attributes complex enters and artistically done seal of President, which solemnly hands each new national chosen one down. A seal with superscription "The Goverment of Ukrainian Pepublic in banishment" was kept in Ukrainian president being in emigration M.Plavjuk and after proclamation of independence was handed nationally select Ukraine President Leonid Kravtshuk.
 A handhold of new presidential seal adorned by lazurite ball and on appearance reminds of Earth photo from space. Such an effect gives stone texture. A seal tubule, that is central part, gilded, therefore on its colour gamut it conforms to national Ukraine flag: blue top and yellow bottom. Seal made from silver and weighs almost one half kilogram. Did it in all after week Kyiv jeweler Mykhailo Cheburahin. Interestingly, that in President study exist other wares of this foreman. A impression of presidential seal in sealing-wax or beeswax plans to expose on common viewing in museum.
 Presidential "chain" weighs almost 400 grams. President breastplate regardless obligatory, but the majority chapters of european him powers have: for example, presidential chains (masculine adorning like womanish necklace) am number among Poland power symbols, Czech, Bulgaria, Russia, Moldova and other. In some countries for each new leader the states make its chain, and previous is inherited in exposition of national museums. Delicate chain with historic relic - by incense, which, on legends, belonged on ukrainian hetman Ivan Mazepa, also was among Ukraine president attributes in emigration.
 - Over two (never do not offer more) sketches presidential chain I worked two days, - goes on with our conversation Oleksiy Rudenko. - Seven medallions to him painted the Kyiv artists, and the Lviv foremans gathered chain after 10 days. It need say, that a primordially guerdon Administration department of President supposed to do by symbol of presidential power a Yaroslaw order chain sage I of degree. Then from this not quite correct idea renounced: this order already handed much statesmen - in particular to Kazakhstan presidents, to Chile, Argentina and to Spain king Huan Karlos. Therefore solved to make a special chain - and this after two week! Chain made from white and yellow gold 585 of trial, weighs about 400 grams. Seven its medallions painted by hand enamel. On them in miniature allegorized gold princes trident, Volodymyr-christener trident, or Galyts'kyi Lion (coat of arms of Halyts'ko-Volyns'ke principality), sign "Pursuits" (coat of arms of Great principality Lithuanian, in composition of which ukrainian earths entered ), sign "Cossack with musket" (symbol het'mans Ukrainian cossack power), coat of arms "Abdank-Syrokomlya" (patrimonial coat of arms of Bohdan (Zenoviy) Khmel'nyts'kyi, under power of which in XVII age Ukraine consolidated in powerful cossack power) and coat of arms of Ukrainian People Republic as first attempt of creating independent Ukraine in XX age.
 The painted medallions alternate with jewelry: over laurel chaplets from white gold laid guelder roze leafs from yellow gold, on which pomegranates "spilled" 96 garnets, very reminding of guelder roze berries. Each medallion approved by Jewellery chamber. Fastening on chain not foreseen. Seal and chain are kept in leather cases with velvet bed and stamped representation of Small Ukraine coat of arms.
 Mace did still to finishing of selections, acting on principle "pan or disappeared". Difficult to say, whether then so believed in Kuchma victory, whether then insufferably will seat at a loose end... And is able, solved with fate to argue? But all turned out, as wanted. Silver mace fully gilded, her weight is 750 grams. Consists it two hollow parts: handhold and apple. And in them "secret" is trihedral stylet from damask steel with engraved by gold latin motto "OMNIA REVERTUTUR" ( "All returns"). Apropos, in national Ukraine hymn eats a line: "All returns: and glory, and will". A mace apple adorned by gold ornamental medallions and crowned by gold conventionalized crown, adorned by stone and enamel. In obedience to tradition, on it 64 stone (emeralds and grenades) in complicated gold casing. A stylet from mace extracts by the medium of drawing-pin, adorned by yakut emerald. The mace is jewelry good of highest execution level and kept in fretted casket from mahogany. Bad is from purple velvet. At first on casket supplied with lock, but on reflection solved that this superfluous. To President was relared to open a catch, and wanted to do procedure sufficiently light. Therefore a lock substituted on gilt angel-keeper figurine.
 Already when seated in Palace hall "Ukraine", Oleksiy Rudenko understood, that inauguration worked well on glory and that his command did such emblems, which leagued all of onlookers by pride sense after state. Work done by new generation of ukrainian foremans, her quality is shocking. We can if we want. As sings in hymn - "Didn't dead Ukraine yet".

("FACTS", 12.17.1999)

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