Quarterly. First Gules; jail on the arched couped fess Argent, under which six-pointed star and crescent horns up Or. Second Azure; arch Argent. Third Azure; bee Or. Fourth Gules; spit and a half of horseshoe, crowned by four-ray cross Or. The shield is topped by metal helmet with medallion in the shape of Netishyn emblem and crowned by educational crown. Mantle Azure, padded by Or and Gules, padded by Argent. Motto - VENI VIDI COGNOVI - came, saw, learned - by letters Sable on ribbon Or.
Jail, star and crescent are sign of Ostroz'kyi princes, whose residence was near Netishyn. Arch is symbol of the museum entrance. Bee is symbol of industriousness. Spit, horseshoe and cross mean "Prus III" emblem of Yablonovs'kyis, who made a great contribution to the development of the region.
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