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List for: Heraldry of Ukraine
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The soviet heraldry
All emblems order by name

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The modern emblem (100008) 
(Ukrainian State Symbols)
The flag (74241) 
(Ukrainian State Symbols)
The President's gonfalon (73052) 
(Ukrainian State Symbols)
The modern emblem (58512) 
The modern emblem (56150) 


The soviet heraldry

I. Boryslav city
 Lvivs'ka region
 II. Description
 In a vert field is azure oil tower on a azure mountains. Tower consists five parties, there are orange sickle with hammer in upper part.
 III. It was confirmed at March, 19th, 1970. The author is Dmytro Laniak.


 I. Donets'k city
 II. Description
 Old-russian shield per fess by argent and sable. There is or hand with hammer in the center of the shield. An or star is in a left upper coner.
 III. It was confirmed by desicion N12/203 of Donets'k city council at June, 6th, 1968. The author is N.Bryn'.

 I. Drohobych city
 Lvivs'ka region
 II. Description
 In a vert field on an argent opened book one half of gear and flame in a cap. There is 9 (4, 3 and 2) pieces of salt under book.
 III. It was confirmed by desicion N515 of Drohobych city council at September, 15th, 1967. The authors is V.Babych and A.Levenets'.

 I. Dubno city
 Rivnens'ka region
 II. Description
 An argent emblem "ostroha" leaning on or oak trident which grows from or crown in an azure field. The middle leaf of trident is ending by Dubno fortress tower.
 III. It was confirmed by desicion of VII Dubno city council session at October, 4th, 1991. The author is M.Tymchak.

 I. Kamianets'-Podil's'kyi city
 Khmel'nyts'ka region
 II. Description
 There is gules-and-azure flag of soviet Ukraine in the upper part. There is or smiling sun with 16 rays in the center of the dark-blue shield. Under it is or old fortress XII-XVIII centuries and opened book as symbol of educaation, and a part of gear as symbol of industry. All frames is or.
 III. It was confirmed by desicion N265 of city council at September, 5th, 1967. The author is D.Bryk.

 I. Kamjanka-Buz'ka city
 L'vivs'ka region
 II. Description
 There os 3 heraldry stones in two ranks 2:1 in an azure field.
 III. It was confirmed by desicion of city council at September, 30th, 1991. The author is A.Grechylo.

 I. Makiivka city
 Donets'ka region
 II. Description
 There is azure coat of arm with azure head charged by or word "MAKEEVKA". In the center of the shield is or emblem "sickle with hammer" arrounded by gray simplified picture of carbon atom with or valent connections. Under it is or date "1777".
 III. It was confirmed by desicion N575 of Makiivka city council at December, 15th, 1971. The author is M.Pantshenko.

 I. Mykolaiv city
 II. Description

 A gules shield with an azure base xharged by one half of argent gear. In the upper part is or sickle and hammer with or word "MYKOLAIV" and argent vessel under it. ("St.Nicholas" is first vessel that was built in 1790).
 III. It was confirmed by desicion N1/22 of Mykolaiv city council at March, 2th, 1969. The author is V.Kozlovs'kyi.

Novyi Rozdol
 I. Novyi Rozdol city
 Lvivs'ka region
 II. Description
 An or point in an azure field charged by sable alchemy sign of sulfur, accompanied by or letters "H" and "P".
 III. It was confirmed by desicion of V city council democratic session at June, 12th, 1991. The author is A.Grechylo.

 I. Snizhne city
 Donets'ka region
 II. Description
 A shield abaused per bend by gules and azure. In the upper part under or russian word "SNIGHNE" is or waste bank, headframe with five-rows star, framed by part of or gear, under it is date "1784". In the down part is or snowflake.
  III. It was confirmed by desicion N550 of Snighne city council at December, 20th, 1978. The authors is N.Dacko, V.Nosal', N.Pileev.

 I. Ternopil' city
 II. Description

 In a gules shield with azure head charged by or word "TERNOPIL'" and or little pale. There is argent five-petals flower of blackthorn with five-rows gules star in the center of it. There are or sickle and hammer in the center of the flower.
 III. It was confirmed by desicion N778 of Ternopil' city council at October, 29th, 1982. The author is P.Kukurudza, V.Sadovnyk. Descriptor is I.Duda.

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