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Kirovohrad'ska oblast' emblem: crocks and stones (Ukrainian only)
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Kirovohrad'ska oblast' emblem: crocks and stones (Ukrainian only)

  (Annotation. Ukrainian only)

  This article is dedicated to problem with Kirovohrad'ska oblast' emblem. It was ancient Cossak's land with settlements that had Magdeburg Right. There were many historical stamps of this cities. Main symbol all of them is deer. It means warrior and honor in heraldry. But modern emblem of Kirovohrad'ska oblast' is or eagle. This picture was found in the cemetery of scythian tribes. The article author reposes that it's serious mistake to use dubious sign instead old Cossak's symbol. The same about stork because stork without stones and armament means fear. So, this emblem seems like Russian eagle.


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