There are emblems on Thursday, 02,13,2025 - 5883
List for: Heraldry of Ukraine
List for: St.Michael Order
Earl Evgen Oseredchuk
All emblems order by name

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The modern emblem (99979) 
(Ukrainian State Symbols)
The flag (74221) 
(Ukrainian State Symbols)
The President's gonfalon (73025) 
(Ukrainian State Symbols)
The modern emblem (58491) 
The modern emblem (56125) 


Earl Evgen Oseredchuk
It was confirmed in February, 17th, 2008 by the decision #45 of Arhystratyg Michael knight Order List .
Azure with or border; argent sword in pale edge down, charged by vert oil-bearing branch in fess in the shape of half-moon horns up.
The board is crowned by or earl crown with jewels and topped by argent helmet with or border, bars and an or circuit medallion on azure tape. The helmet is crowned by the crown. Under the board is of II degree Arhystratyg Michael's Award on a medal tape.
The wreathes: three ostrich feather.
The mantle: vert, padded by argent.
The tenants: on the right side or unicorn with gules armament, on the left side is or lion with gules armament.
The motto: "To bring honor through everything" - by argent letters on azure tape.
Image on site V.Napytkin.

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