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- The oldest known population of mountain and southern coast of Crimea were taurs.
- VIII-IV centuries BC - Penetration of the Greek colonists to the Crimea, foundation of Chersonesos (V century BC), the steppe part of the peninsula was populated by Scythians.
- 63 year BC - Pontus conquered by the Roman Empire, the Crimean city coming under the control of the Romans.
- IV-V centuries - The restoration of the authority of the Roman (Byzantine) Empire.
- XIII century - Weakening of the power of Byzantium. Part of its property goes to Genoa, part of becoming as independent principality Gothia.
- 1239 - The conquest of the Crimea by Batu Khan's Mongol army.
- 1441 - The formation of an independent Crimean Khanate.
- 1475 - The Ottoman army under the command of Ahmed Pasha won possession of Genoa and the principality of Theodoro. Crimean Khanate recognized the sovereignty of the Sultan.
- 1783 - Crimea was annexed and incorporated into the Russian Empire.
- 1917-1920 - The Civil War.
- November, 12th, 1917 - Cruiser "Memory of Mercury" raised the Ukrainian flag. At the end of autumn 1917 most ships of Black Sea squadron raised blue-and-yellow flags.
- October 18, 1921 - Formed the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic within the Russian Federation.
- 1944 - The deportation of the Crimean Tatar people (May 18th), Armenians, Bulgarians and Greeks (June 26th).
- 1945 - the abolition of autonomy, the creation of the Crimean region.
- 1948 - By the decree of the Presidium of the RSFSR Supreme Soviet Sevastopol was separated as administrative and economic center (city of republican subordination).
- February 1954 - Crimea region transferred from the RSFSR to the UkrSSR.