There are emblems on Tuesday, 01,21,2025 - 5698
List for: Heraldry of Ukraine
List for: Hetman's arms
List for: SKOROPADS'KYI PAVLO (1918-1919)
All emblems order by name

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The modern emblem (99881) 
(Ukrainian State Symbols)
The flag (74136) 
(Ukrainian State Symbols)
The President's gonfalon (72923) 
(Ukrainian State Symbols)
The modern emblem (58392) 
The modern emblem (56044) 



Pavlo Petrovytsh Skoropads'kyi was born in May, 3d, 1873 in Visbaden (German). His grandparents have received the emblem in XVII century.
Skoropads'kyi had considerable military experience and authority among the officers. Skoropads'kyi by first from the imperial generals introdused Ukrainian troops. All-ukrainain congress of free Cossacs (October 16-20 1917) has choised Skoropads'kyi by the member of General advice and ataman all free Cossacs.
In the spring of 1918 Skoropads'kyi has based "Ukrainian People Union", uniting in the numbers of the land tenants and former militarians. UPU has adjusted cooperation with a Consignment of the Ukrainian farmers and Union of the landholders. In April, 29th, 6500 delegates of a Congress of the farmers - owners have named Skoropads'kyi the het'man of Ukraine. Skoropads'kyi for the first time affirms trident by attribute of military clothes, signs the law on grades of the Ukrainian army. Skoropads'kyi not only has hardened the power, but also has achieved respect on the part of governments of the Quarter Union states and neighbouring countries. In June, 12th, government was signed agreement with Soviet Russia, where Ukraine was recognized as the sovereign state. Were open 2 general consulates (in Moscow and Petrohrad) and 19 consulates in other cities of Russia. In September Skoropads'kyi has gone away with visit in Germany. During visit the Crimean problem was discussed and the solution about annexation of Crimea to Ukraine is accepted, and also was reached the agreements on transmission by Germany to Ukraine of the military ships of the Black Sea fleet. In the summer the creation of regular military units and measures on revival Cossacs as separate estate of the population and spare of the Ukrainian army starts.
For small period, which the history has assigned het'man, the significant steps were made in the field of culture. Was opened Ukrainian school, the Ukrainian universities in Kyiv and Kamyanets'-Podil's'kyi, are founded State Ukrainian archive, Ukrainian historical museum, Ukrainian national library, National gallery of arts, Ukrainian theatre of a drama and opera, Ukrainian state choir, State symphonic orchestra. The National academy of sciences, Ukrainian military academy. Skoropads'kyi made steps in a direction of creation of the Ukrainian orthodox autocephalous church.
The Skoropads'kyi's government could not decide social and economic problems, which faced to the state. But in time het'man was pledged the system of the Ukrainian national army and fleet, network of military educational establishments, was placed the normal diplomatic relations with 15 european states, were founded the banks, began recovering a national industry, have passed the judiciary reforms. All this enables highly enough to evaluate contradictory, but picturesque figure het'man of Ukraine of the off-the-shelf time, which has lived the last 27 years of the life on abroad and has died in April, 26th, 1945 in Metten (Bavaria).

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