There are emblems on Saturday, 01,25,2025 - 5708
List for: Heraldry of Ukraine
List for: Antiheraldry
Lysets (Khmel'nyts'ka oblast')
All emblems order by name

It's better to use one word or its part.

The modern emblem (99894) 
(Ukrainian State Symbols)
The flag (74151) 
(Ukrainian State Symbols)
The President's gonfalon (72932) 
(Ukrainian State Symbols)
The modern emblem (58406) 
The modern emblem (56055) 


Lysets (Khmel'nyts'ka oblast')

"A central element of emblem is blue shield. It's symbolithing peace, quiet and agreement. Shield divided by wave lines - it means Bobravka river. There is swallow in upper part. It means movement and freedom. There are three apples in down part. It means main occupation of village inhabitans. At left and right - or oak leafs. It means longevity and strong. There is blue ribbon with "Lysets'" inscription over the shield. There are five or ears over the composition. It means wealth, honority, wisdom and beauty.
 An emblem author is Mastykash Mykhailo"
Shield adorned by UHS recommendations

 There is French-shield was used. By the way, Ukrainian Heraldry Society recommend to use an Spanish shield. This recommendations was published in UHS newspaper "Znak". All new arms of Khmel'nyts'ka oblast' was confirmed till 1991 on Spanish shields. But this French shield revived Russian tradition in Ukrainian heraldry - may be it is main aim of the author. However Franch shield have an mistake too - a classic proportion 7:8 didn't passed.
 A crown in classic heraldry mains a city status. It depends from administrative significance. The author violated this rule and invented wrong crown. It likes on Russian's
crown too.
 The swollow is flying in non-heraldry side.
 A motto ribbon plased under shield, however it's place - behind arm.
 Non-heraldic description and violation in color sence. Blue color means fidelity, honesty, perfection.

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