Gules; two wavy fesses argent. The shield is enframed by or cartouche and crowned by village crown or.
In symbolics of village is used the arms of the Hungarian city Chongrad The Serbian immigrants from this city have constructed in the middle of ХVIII century military settlement. Together cossacks they provided defence of border with Turkey.
In 1752 - 1776 city was called Chongrad. Serbian warriors on a way of life were very similar to the cossacks, and the destiny in them was similar. Liquidation of New Serbia in 1764 has marked destruction Zaporiz'ka Sich in 1775 - both armies were dangerous to empire by the originality and aspiration to autonomism. Two fesses mean two Hungarian rivers - Tysa and Keresh - and two Ukrainian rivers - Tyasmyna and Dnipro - near the Ukrainian city.
Gules means the Christian blood, sheded in struggle against osmanli aggressors, both in Serbia, and in cossack steppes of Ukraine. Gules color means the Serbian warrior and Ukrainian cossacks clothes.
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В.Кривенко, К.Шляховий. Символіка Кіровоградщини. Альбом. - Кіровоград: Поліграфічно-видавничий центр "Мавік", 2008. - 208 с.