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It was confirmed in December, 14th, 1999 by the decision of XII city council session of XXII convocation. Rectangular panel with a ratio of the sides as 2:3 consists of three horizontal strips - crimson, blue and orange in the ratio 1:2:1, in the centre of the blue strip is the arms of city. Crimson color is connected to color of Podillya regiment flags fight in 1410 near Hrunval'd, blue means will, freedom and independence, and orange is color of ripe wheat, dense honey. The authors are Yu.Telega, M.Yoltuhovs'kyi, A.Chornyi, P.Tymoshenko, S.Navrots'kyi. Image on site V.Napytkin. Гречило А.Б. Герби та прапори міст і сіл України. - Львів, 2004. Ч. 1. -120+ХLIV с. (ISBN 966-02-0994-0).