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List for: Heraldry of Ukraine
List for: Hetman's arms
List for: VYHOVS'KYI IVAN (1657-1659)
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Рейтинг каталога сайтов Хмельницкого региона

VYHOVS'KYI IVAN (1657-1659)

Ivan Ostapovytsh Lychuch-Vyhovs'kyi was born in a village Vyhiv of Ovruch district Kiev principality.
Ivan began clerk career in Luts'k in 1626-1640. With 1648 Vyhovs'kyi is a general clerk of B.Khmel'nyts'kyi. After death of Khmel'nyts'kyi Vyhovs'kyi was elected het'man. At this time Moscow king has undertaken resolute approach to the rights and privileges of off-line Ukraine with the purpose to liquidate this autonomy. Before Ukrainians the demands of subordination of the Ukrainian church to the Moscow patriarchy were delivered, on Ukraine came Moscow troops. Therefore in September, 16th, 1658 in Hadyach Vyhovs'kyi has signed the treaty, on which Ukraine concluded union with Polish kingdom and Great principality Lithuanian as the Great principality Rus'. Entering in this union, Ukraine provided to itself full internal home rule, received the right to have the army, coin, courts, official bodies, and so forth. On territory of Rich' Pospolyta the church union should be abolished, the spiritual courts were restored, it was promised to return all confiscated church rules. The broad development of derivation and Ukrainian culture was provided, the liberties of the press and words, discovery of printing houses were guaranteed.
After that the Moscow armies have begun approach to Ukraine. Nevertheless in July, 17th, 1659 in fight on the river Sosnovka meat Konotop the Moscow army was raided, and its commander prince Pogharsky was killed.
Infortunately, het'man was not possible to support the victory. The supporters of the relations with Moscow for the grounds, promised by Moscow king, actually have betraid het'man. In 1659 Vyhovs'kyi disowned from post.

1.   Het'man emblem

1. Vyhovs'kyi. The win in Konotop battle against russians.;
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