There are emblems on Thursday, 04,25,2024 - 5209
List for: Heraldry of Ukraine
List for: Heraldry of modern Ukraine

All emblems order by name

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The modern emblem (98405) 
(Ukrainian State Symbols)
The flag (72739) 
(Ukrainian State Symbols)
The President's gonfalon (71213) 
(Ukrainian State Symbols)
The modern emblem (56832) 
The modern emblem (54338) 


Рейтинг каталога сайтов Хмельницкого региона

The modern emblem
It was confirmed in April, 11th, 2003 by the decision of oblast' council session.
Gules; divided quarterly by fillet cross or, in the centre is escutcheon azure in which is the argent city arch with an open gate and three towers - the arms of Zhytomyr.
First; Arhistratig Michael argent with a sword and sheath omitted from top to bottom. Second; horseman argent on a horse. Third; formy cross argent. Fourth; sun or with sixteen beams. The board is crowned by an or city crown with three merlons and three rye ears which bases on a rye sheaf or weaved by tapes in which centre is represented state emblem. The shield is bordered by the wreath or from rye ears, in bottom part of it are cones, leaves of hop and flowers of flax. A wreath is weaved by the blue-yellow tape.
This territory is part of four historical lands of Ukraine: Kyivschyna, Polissya, Volyn' and Podillya. These lands had own arms. Arms of Kyivs'ka land from ХIV century was argent Arhistratig Michael in a gules field. The arms of Polissya as territories of the Great Princedom Lithuanian from the end XIII century to ХVIII century was - "Pohon’" - the horseman argent on horse argent. There are variants of the image of "Pohon’" where the horseman has a gules board with "Calumnies" - the sign of Hedymynovychi, Grand Kyiv dukes of the Lithuanian dynasty. The western part of area was part of the Volyn'. The arms of Volyn' is cross argent in a field gules. The sun or in a field gules is the most ancient variant of the Podillya arms. This territory included a southwest part of oblast'. With red flags with the yellow sun Podillya regiments under command of king Jagajlo and Grand duke Vitol'd (Vitautas) fought near Hrunval'd in 1410. In the time the field of a Podillya emblem has changed on argent (white), even later - on azure (dark blue). The first variant of the arms is offered in the arms of oblast'.
Capital of area is Zhytomyr. The present arms of city is represented in the escutcheon.
Or fillet cross in the arms symbolizes old traditions of Christian spirituality of oblast', one of cradles of Slavic peoples and Ukrainian people.
The frame of the arms recreates the public name of area, from a word "rye" ("zhyto"), and also agricultural crops - flax and hop. Blue-yellow tapes transfer colors of a Ukraine national flag. The connecting masoned and vegetative crowns symbolize unity of cities and villages of oblast', because maconed crown is a symbol of cities, and vegetative crown is a symbol of villages. State arm specifies the state status of oblast'.
Image on site V.Napytkin.

Україна: герби та прапори / авт. проекту та упор. : В.Г. Кисляк, О.А. Нескоромний. – К. : Парламентське вид-во. 2010. – 456 с. : ілюст. – укр., рос., анг.  See

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