There are emblems on Saturday, 04,20,2024 - 5209
List for: Heraldry of Ukraine
List for: Meetings
List for: XXVI meeting
All emblems order by name

It's better to use one word or its part.

The modern emblem (98374) 
(Ukrainian State Symbols)
The flag (72711) 
(Ukrainian State Symbols)
The President's gonfalon (71173) 
(Ukrainian State Symbols)
The modern emblem (56809) 
The modern emblem (54307) 


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The XXVI Luts'k meeting of heraldist ended.

Herolds always expect on this event - ours and overseas. Foreign delegations come and enjoy the occasion to look not only city where the rally is, but also around. But it is optional for those wishing; main thing is meeting. Everyone who participated in the preparations of such events, knows how difficult is to agree upon arrival schedule, program, accommodation, food.

Luts'k has won to Khmel'nyts'kyi and broke the tradition to meet every 5 years in Khmelnyts'kyi. And nobody of the participants did not regret it because the organizers and mastermind - Victor Fedosuk and Sergiy Tkachov, cossacks Olexander Sokur and Anatoliy Oleksiuk, osavul Myroslava, the commandant of the Tarakanivs'kyi fort Serhiy Mahnovets', Mykola Hinaylo, Pavlo Marhodey, Oleg Homutenko, director of the archaeological service "Volyn antiquities" Olexiy Zlatohors'kyi - raised very high bar. Comfortable (5 minutes from downtown and train stations) location - hotel "Profspilkovyi" with amazing staff, posters and programs, design of the hall (flags of participating countries appeared first time on the Luts'k meeting), honorary members of the bodyguard Cossack Shooting Fraternity in uniform of black Cossacks, cultural program (Museum of Volyn' Icon, the Luts'k castle, visiting tour to the Dubno castle and Tarakanivs'kyi fort, dinner in the dungeon, the exhibition of rarities), excellent transport services and entertainment (just imagine cossack porridge in Tarakanivs'kyi fort) - such know-how were so much. So, successors will be hard:)

On behalf of all participants want to thank everyone who participated in the organization of meeting.

V. Napytkin


Now a little personal.

Heraldist in Ukraine is not a homogeneous mass. There are scholars who gather around Ukrainian Heraldry Society and drive to autumn conferences. There are collectors - in fact, members of the meeting. There are just interested who do not exchange of badges, but communication and cultural program. Common feature of all these areas - we do not see the new faces. There is stable number of participants last years - with a tendency to decrease. It is very sad - but it is true. Indirectly, it can be seen on proposals to hold another meeting - 5 years ago been reported multiple applications, now is traditionally only one. Two of three recent meetings (Zbarazh and Luts'k) took actually one new member of forums, S.Tkachov. This problem touches not only heraldists, but rather the overall situation in the country. Someone can not come, despite the serious age, someone has no job and money. But someone, unfortunately, gone.

Especially important to find common language and do not pull the blanket over for satisfy their own financial ideas. Collecting is now only one of very many possible classes - in our times the internet is a huge selection of alternatives. As said K.Mochonov - in early 90's in the paper mailing of heraldic news were nearly 4000 signatories, in our electronic times - only 500. On the whole ex-USSR!

So it looks strange attempt of some persons to convert meeting in the exchange of badges only. Instead of expanding the database by searching know-how and bring new persons, these persons eliminate members that do not fit in the free market sale of collectible material. To do it is very simple - move the traditional Saturday visiting tour on the working day (Friday) and devoted weekends only to the collection. In reality, persons, who want to get traditionally Saturday tour (but are not interested to exchange of badges), must spend one day (Friday) on the road; if tour will be in Friday - such participants must spent two days - Thursday also (because person must arrive early). This automatically means the loss of an additional one-day salary and the need for additional nights in the hotel. Given today's prices, a similar situation in the Luts'k (for example) would be dragged up to 350 hryvnas per person (with meals - 400, that is 40-50 USD); unclear what the such delegates must do in Saturday and Sunday - or go home, or scamp strange city. And the next gathering - in Poltava - comes from such pragmatic considerations. The idea is next: let us remain dozen, but it will be "true" collectors. Fake members can be free. Namely, this approach means for converting meeting to exchange. Not more. Although, by terms of marketing, weighs no amount of time spent in the shop, but the number of buyers - if we already talk exclusively about trade.

As for me, it is high price for earnings ideological inspirer of the commercial approach.

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