There are emblems on Thursday, 01,16,2025 - 5650
List for: Heraldry of Ukraine
List for: The plagiarists
All emblems order by name

It's better to use one word or its part.

The modern emblem (99854) 
(Ukrainian State Symbols)
The flag (74106) 
(Ukrainian State Symbols)
The President's gonfalon (72901) 
(Ukrainian State Symbols)
The modern emblem (58373) 
The modern emblem (56021) 



A.Avdeev (Kirovohrad) is organizer of Ukrainian Heraldry Collegium; uses in his documents the images from this site without permission.
Example of list printed by A.Avdeev:

1. The first number in description is must be escutcheon. In this case is mistake: instead of Spanish shield printed French.
2. There is mistake in division. Must be "per saltire".
3. In the book description is absent of quarter number.
4. There is mistake in coins description - instead of "triangular" must be "one and two"
5. Crown must be with prongs, not with "finiteness".
There are follow emblems in list used from "Ukrainian heraldry" site
Velyki Berezhtsi (Ternopil'ska oblast')
Trylisy (Kirovohrads'ka oblast')
Kyivs'ka province
Volyns'ka province
Marjanivka (Kirovohrads'ka oblast')
Kharkivs'ka province
Khersons'ka province
Odes'ka oblast'
Chernihivs'ka province
Borshchiv (Ternopil'ska oblast')

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